Good Things Come in Three

The activity will take place in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, and will include the participation of 5 VET learners set by ACoR Calarasi, Polygonal, Stando and Previform. The 20 VET learners will be part of the 80 participants that graduated the first part of the 3 courses on the project platform. They will be selected based on their motivation to further develop their soft skills for future employment, by presenting a letter of intent that describe, briefly, the respective motivation.

The activity will take 5 days and the training schedule will be transmitted to the participants, in advance on email. All five days are set to be take place within the training center facilities, some activities will involve the use of the computer, either personal or in groups/teams and some activities  could not involve at all the use of the computer. In this training, some participants of C1 will become trainers so C2 will also become a training opportunity for trainers because they will directly use learned approaches, methodology and materials.

This training activity will facilitate the skill increase of the VET students and trainees involved in the project by further instructing then in the soft skills promoted through the project (Learning to learn, Professional Digital Literacy, Business Etiquette.

The expected learning outcomes of participant are:

Day 1

  • To identify their learning style and devise some optimal strategies for learning that works for himself;
  • To apply specialized faster learning techniques;
  • To apply speed reading techniques;

Day 2

  • To effectively use a laptop in identifying professional opportunities;
  • To effectively use a laptop and document editing software in a workplace environment;
  • To effectively use the document editing software in order to enhance his professional life;

Day 3

  • To effectively use a smartphone in order to enhance his professional life;
  • To effectively use of other peripheral equipment in order to enhance office performance;
  • To telework – effectively use of technology for performing while not being at work;

Day 4

  • To prepare for getting a job – to present himself on an interview;
  • To present himself in multiple job related situations (show of personal work, clients, etc.)
  • To present a professional idea to coworkers/boss;

Day 5

  • To work in teams;
  • To solve workplace disputes;
  • To negotiate effectively;
  • To devise his own professional behavior statement/philosophy considering the field in which he activates and future challenges/opportunities.

The training will introduce VET learners to the current situation of work-place instruments, discipline and behavior in Europe and in represented countries (RO, CY, IT and PT). It will also support VET learners to reflect on their learning style and on improving it for getting optimal results in both professional and personal life. It will equip participants with tools and resources to start their professional life in an effective manner. The profile of participants will be VET learners who study in VET centers wanting to improve their soft skills with the purpose of effectively enhance their career.

During the training each participant will perform a professional assessment of himself with the help of the trainers/representatives of the partners in order to determine his professional chance to be employed and to determine a professional development plan to increase his chances. 

Although entrepreneurship training is not included in the scope of the project, the information obtained by the target group could also help VET students and trainees who want to entrepreneur start their own businesses.